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Executive Briefing

Two page monthly briefing that provides 1-2 paragraph synopses of recent Institute research, news items of interest or concern, or action items for principal execs.

Oxycodone With Acetaminophen Ranks 2nd in Terms of Total Drug Spend as Use of Brand Versions Increases... Ins. Commissioner Calls for Advisory Pure Premium Rate Cut... WCIRB Asked to Study Growth in Silicosis Claims... WC Medical Travel Bill Amended, But Still Problematic for...

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Quarterly Summary

One to two line descriptions of various issues covered in CWCI publications over the latest quarter. Listings specify the type of publications produced and links to the items on the CWCI website.

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Technical Issues

One to two page summaries usually on a technical or regulatory issue that may require action by our members.

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One to two page summaries on topics of note to CWCI members and members of the workers' compensation community. Bulletins cover CWCI research and other issues including regulations and legislation, industry trends,...

CWCI Reviews OSIPs Summary of 2023 Private Self-Insured Claim Experience

CWCIs review of OSIPs initial data on CY 2023 private self-insured data shows that despite a decline in claim volume, both paid and incurred losses were up.